松岡亜湖 小学校教諭・名古屋市在住

As the mornings and evenings are now chilly. I feel the cold easily, but still I can wear short sleeves even in October, it’s kind of odd. I supposed, “Heat Island” is kind of Japanglish, but I saw this word in the article of National Geographic. http://nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/urban-heat-island/ It’s global phenomenon and Nagoya city climate is already tropical. We have the rain like the squall in recent years.
First, let me introduce two programs.
I wrote about Kasadera Kannon Temple, the official name is Tenrinzan-Ryuhuku-ji, and dedicated to Kannon, the goddess of mercy in the first article of this Language Hitch series. And today (on Oct 22th) we have a workshop at the precinct of it. We made stuffed Golden Fish (actually the colors are red and black) with guests. Ms Kiyoko in beautiful kimono is the special sewing teacher.
The father do his best to stitch.
Finished! With black tie-dyed fish, smile and say cheese!
Ms Kiyoko in beautiful kimono is very good at sewing.
Next time we have the project to making the ornament of pine cone or pin cushion.
We name the program “Kamon = Come on Café” and plan it on Nov 19th for next time. The starting times are 1) 10:00~ or 2) 11:00~ and each program are available for 8 persons. The fee is 800 Yen including the materials and a drink.
If you are not good at the sweing, but it’s not a cause for concern. The materials are individually packaged and you have the needle threaded and knotted already ! Let’s enjoy producing your own project.
Then, the second program. I wrote about JIM-NET(Japan and Iraq Medical Network) in the theird article of the series. They have fund raising program “Chocorate for peace donation” soon. http://jim-net.org/choco/ On Nov 19th they have talk and concert at Otsuka in Tokyo for kick off the program. http://jim-net.org/blog/news/2016/10/1119-wo.php
We Japanese has nuclear power stations though Japan is well known for earthquakes, so the radioactive damage in Iraq is also concerns us too. Raising awareness of medical problems in Iraq and the situation both in Iraq and Japan would be better I really hope.
Now I saw the old Star Wars trilogy and was surprised that Han Solo (the actor Harrison Ford) was so young, and that they say “lieutenant” but he’s not Columbo or an inspector, but a Stormtrooper.” I saw the trilogy and required time to organize the whole story. I love mystery, so if Darth Vader had been assassinated at the beginning of the story, I had seen the movie with glee when I was a child. And because I love mystery, I have an objection to the story “The Empire Strikes Back.” At the last he confesses a personal relationship with him but I couldn’t see foreshadowing of it. I know the name was the hint, but I want to see the hint on the storyline. Actually, in Japan some people didn’t believe it until they saw “Return of the Jedi.”
I suppose some unclear points will be clarified when I see the new trilogy. And the filmmakers considered the advances in technology, so I think it is a wise strategy.
The Star Wars were all the rage when I was a child, but I scarcely remember the story. Now I’m a grown-up and see it again, I think about the relationships of organizations and individuals, masters and pupils, theories of life, views on the family. Maybe human sense perception is organized by their experiences and situations and standpoints. Now I think the word of Yoda “If you leave now, help them you is; but you would destroy all for which they have fought, and suffered.” Is so meaningful, but if I listen to the word without working experience, I can’t prove the value.
And when I see the description above scene of “The Empire Strikes Back,” I feel that’s oppressive because many troopers became victims of their fight… If he said he would do so, the victims were no subjective standpoint. That’s too much… And I’m interested in what the Americans think about the scene and the last of “Return of the Jedi.”
As we grow up, we have been through various experiences and understand our places in the society, our way of feeling and thinking are varied. This time I thought about how to breed self-esteem through talking with Kevin at Payatas and Edgar at Baguio. Kevin introduced the activity and wrote the article about volunteer, so here I present it.
The movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0O2SGyF5ho

"Moving beyond one’s self in order to serve others."
They say compassion is essential in our lives, as it is the very purpose of having the will to serve and help others. Being compassionate has always been innate in me, for it gives me a certain kind of fulfillment which makes me triumphant in the most genuine way. And one will only be able to do this if he’s willing to give out love even without reciprocity.
And one way to show compassion is by being a volunteer on humanitarian advocacies. It’s vague, it’s challenging, and exhausting, but at the end of the day upon realizing how you are able to change one’s life despite of how devastating the situation is for them is something I wouldn’t miss for the world.
I started doing humanitarian work since 2007, along with my friends. We built a youth organization in Payatas named Youth Pursuing Excellence and Reform (YPER) recognized by the National Youth Commission of the Philippines and some Korean Non-Government Organizations. Over the past years, I became more active in joining volunteering works from children and youth empowerment to LGBT and Women sector up to environmentalism.
In line with this, I got more enticed to volunteer in NGOs as I have seen the interest and concern shown by Japan’s First Lady who mainly came in the Philippines to see the projects of Salt Payatas Foundation Philippines, Inc. which is a Japanese NGO who’s been helping the residents of the place through scholarships and livelihood programs since the tragedy of the “trash avalanche” has taken place in 2000.
After learning about the kind act of the First Lady, it motivated me to further pursue my desire to help my fellows in need. I searched for Salt’s Facebook page and sent a message telling them my interest of joining and supporting their foundation through volunteerism. On the same day, I received a response and confirmation of my entry to the foundation and was even told about my designation to Likha Pangkabuhayan Inc., one of Salt’s ongoing projects. (Photos below)
During my first month in the foundation, they’ve learned that I worked as an Interior Decorator and Fashion Designer. Since then, they’ve entrusted me with technical work especially in Merchandising Department and contributing knowledge about innovative designs. Over the months, they even let me help on study tours and immersions, even in the cross-stitch and storytelling workshops. But what I enjoyed the most was when they whole-heartedly let me conduct my own art activity for the children to promote my advocacy of “Making ART serve as a hope for the children”.
The newest project of Salt is Balay Kalinangan in Kasiglahan, Montalban, Rizal which is deliberately supported by JICA. I was appointed as one of the design consultant for the interior finishing of the library for the children residing in Kasiglahan Village.
Children really have a special spot to my heart, not to mention my child care experience during the summers of the years 2001-2003 when I was 9 years old, together with my cousins under the supervision of our aunt. That experience has made me realize that even as a child, there are a lot of generous ways to show and give out love towards one another.
My exposure to charitable activities has widened when I attended a Japanese school event in Taguig City where various Japanese NGOs gathered for fair trade. A Japanese intern from ICAN International Children’s Action Network has approached me and knew about my volunteerism with Salt. They admired my willingness and passion to alleviate the most known economic problem in the Philippines which is poverty. ICAN recruited me to join their team and spread the same campaign for the children’s awareness. I started working with ICAN this April of the same year and my main duty is to teach the children of the streets about my knowledge in arts and sports. We are having our art therapy every Saturdays and during Sundays, we normally dance and a tutorial regarding their academic activities. (Photos below)
These simple and openhanded works really give me a very significant sense of responsibility not only to myself, but also to the people who surround me. And by just being able to extend whatever assistance I can, I know that I am playing an important role to their lives and as one saying goes, “To be inspired is great but to inspire is incredible”. I will never stop helping and I will never stop inspiring as long as I know that there are people who needs hope and wisdom.
Kevin F. Gabito
August 24, 2016
- Facebook: ケビン ガビト https://www.facebook.com/Gabbie6316112
- Interior Decorator (CTE - Coaters Trade Enterprise Co.)
Freelance Fashion Designer
- (特活)ソルト・パヤタス - Japan Salt Payatas Foundation Inc.
- ICAN - International Children's Action Network
- YPER – Youth Pursuing Excellence and Reform

How do you like it? When I saw Kevin’s article, I reflect on my volunteer activities. When I introduce the Payatas, first, I showed the picture of the garbage mountains, but now I doubt my manner. I like people in Payatas so I would like you to recognize the value of what people in Payatas are doing, then I should introduce the people first. If I receive considerable attention with the garbage mountains, that’s not true helping. I must introduce all for which Payatas people have fought, and suffered with first priority.
I would like to introduce Edgar, Kalinga indigenous artist, but space forbids. Next time I’ll introduce Kalinga culture and Ilokano language and after the next I’ll introduce Manobo culture in Davao, Mindanao island. CUL8R, I’ll be seeing you again.
[November 11, 2016]